Towards Vardavar Holiday

Towards Vardavar Holiday

On 26 July, the schoolchildren from the partner communities of Ararat and Armavir marzes gathered in the Lovers’ Park in Yerevan to participate in the event “Towards Vardavar Holiday: the symbol of water at the roots of Vardavar”. The aim of the event was to raise public awareness regarding the Ararat valley groundwater resources efficient use, once again highlighting the importance and vital role of water in our lives.
The event was organized by the USAID funded PURE Water project in cooperation with Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia. 
The event started with a quiz for the schoolchildren on the topic of water resources. The schoolchildren of Ararat and Armavir marzes had the opportunity to present the knowledge obtained during the trainings and educational visits. 
The theatrical performance and musical acts on the topic of water and Vardavar added color to the event.
At the wrap-up of the event, the children had an opportunity to splash water on each other.