Presentation of the Results of the Legal Analysis

Presentation of the Results of the Legal Analysis

On 30 November, 2017, within the framework of PURE-Water program in cooperation with AUA Law Department and Acopian Center for the EnvironmentUFSD – Urban Foundation for Sustainable Developmentorganized a meeting to present the outcomes of the Legal analysis conducted by YSU ELRC. The meeting was attended by professors and students of AUA as well as other attendants.

Mrs. Ada Baghdasaryan – AUA LLM Program Chair opened the meeting which was followed by brief presentations by the PURE-Water Program Director Mr. Armen Varosyan and Head of ELRC – Prof. Aida Iskoyan.

The key outcomes of the Legal Analysis were presented by Mrs. Heghine Grigoryan. She made a special emphasize on participatory procedures and effectiveness of water resources management, e.g. transparency issues, access to information, permitting and licensing procedures. The presentation was concluded with a list of topics suggested for research papers which are supposed to provide new ideas for the PURE-Water. Afterwards the floor was open for questions and comments which concerned mainly the issues of EIA and licensing, water information system, tariffs for water supply and wastewater removal services as well as public participation in decision-making related to water resources use and protection.

The project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development in cooperation with Country Water Partnership NGO and YSU Environmental Law Resource Centre with financial support of USAID.