May-Oct 2013 – Plastic Free Kapan: Care for the Environment
The goal of the project is to contribute to improving municipal service of waste management and environmental sustainability of Kapan by reducing usage of plastic shopping bags through creating partnerships with local authorities, civic activist groups, businesses and media.
Outcome 1. – Established partnerships with local stakeholders – including municipality and its service provider company; supermarkets/small businesses; local NGOs and activist groups; local media.
Outcome 2. – Increased awareness of environmental hazards caused by plastic bags and promotion of reusable bags – an intensive public education campaign will be designed including visuals in public places, TV social ads, trainings, open lessons at schools, cleaning activities, etc.
Outcome 3.- Introduced and promoted usage of reusable shopping bags produced by community women supported by the social ads and volunteer activities. The additional effect of the project is the employment opportunity for women from low income families.
Funding organization: USAID/Counterpart International |