2011 Sep -2013 Feb – Capacity for integrated urban development: INTEGR-ABLE
Overall objective:
Improved and synchronized capacity to plan integrated urban development and to promote it in the region
Specific objectives:
– to analyse and compare the current situation related with urban development in the action’ locations;
– to increase the knowledge and skills of the personnel responsible for urban management in the action locations, using the recent experience of Romania toward using the integrated urban development planning;
– to increase awareness of the urban communities from the action locations regarding integrated urban development approach;
– to offer a common methodology to address existing cross-sectoral urban dysfunctional issues through an integrated approach to be used in the region;
– to disseminate and put in network the experiences, knowledge, resources as to be used for better urban policies in the cities as well as to create platform to exchange ideas and practical issues related to integrated urban development planning, create opportunities for peer know-how exchange -therefore to maintain and extend the created capacity to the entire Black Sea region.
Funding organization: The Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 under the European Neighborhood & Partnership Instrument (ENPI) of the EU |