Dec 2018-Dec 2019: Empowerment through Comparative Learning (ECoLearn)
Assess public administration reforms in Armenia that started in 2016. The first phase of the reform is concluded, in the result of which around half of 915 small communities were enlarged to make 52 larger ones.
Overall objective: Identify best practices and benefits that consolidation has granted and make them replicable for other communities including for those that have not been reformed so far.
Objective 1: Learn about best practices of consolidated communities in provision of different municipal services through experience sharing and peer learning.
Objective 2: Share knowledge on best practices in municipal services with peer consolidated and not consolidated communities’ representatives to adapt lessons learned in their communities.The project will use municipal benchmarking tool.
Funding organization: The Netherlands Embassy in Tbilisi Location: Armenia Beneficiaries: 10 consolidated communities։ Goris, Sisian, Charentsavan, Vardenis, Tsaghkahovit, Geghamasar, Akhuryan, Chambarak, Stepanavan, Alaverdi․ |