BeECO project Round table events in Yerevan, 28-29 April 2022
On April 28 and 29, 2022, the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development organised 2 round table events (D.T1.3.1) in the framework of BeECO BSB-1107 project.
The Black Sea Basin programme National Coordinator from Armenia opened the event with her speech, followed by the speeches and presentations of the project representatives. Waste governance expert and lecturer at the American University of Armenia (AUA) Acopian Center for the Environment presented an overview of the major waste-related initiatives in Armenia, followed by the presentation on sewage waters and impact on human health by “Hetq” Investigative Journalist. Urban Foundation also presented Armenian experience in the field of waste management. The “Plug.am” Co-founder presented the project aimed at the promotion of electric vehicles in Armenia, followed by the presentation on “Water Resources and Sevan Lake” by the Head of the “Environment and Health” NGO.
The project partners from Romania, Moldova and Georgia also participated in the round table. BeECO Project Manager from, Romania, presented the “Recycling facilities and current status of environmental protection in Galati County”. The representative from the Moldovan partner organization “Cross-border Cooperation and European Integration Agency” presented the problems and solutions in solid waste management in the Cahul region of Moldova.
The events were attended by representatives of local and national authorities, NGOs, educational institutions and media. All the participants actively participated in discussions on the topics of waste disposal in unauthorized places, the lack of collection and sorting stations, as well as the gaps in legislation.