Dec 2016 – Dec 2019։ Clean Alliance: Accessible Services for Goris and Sarnakunk Community Clusters

To promote the right of citizens to live in a healthy environment by supporting target clusters to improve waste management service by applying strategic approach.

The following specific objectives contribute to the overall objective:

1. Develop or revise relevant strategic planning documents in light of consolidation of communities and introduction of improved waste management service.
– 4-year Development Plans in place for 2 clusters
– 2 Solid waste management strategic plans elaborated

2: To support institutional establishment and capacity development of SWM service providing organizations;
– 1 SWM organization created and legally registered (for Sarnakunk cluster)
– Existing SWM organization’s capacities upgraded (for Goris cluster)

3: To provide needed infrastructure to the clusters to implement the service:
– Both SWM organizations have minimum machinery/equipment to provide service effectively
– Improved infrastructure in place supporting better SWM

4: To conduct public outreach and visibility activities:
– General public of two clusters have better understanding on environmental issues and take ownership of the
– Visibility of the Action ensured

Funding organization: European Union/CSO-LA in Development
Countries/Regions/Communities: Armenia, Syunik Region, Gorayk, Sisian, and Goris communities.

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