Aug – Sep 2005 – The Role of Central Government in Facilitating the Development of Decentralized Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Services: the Case of Armenia: a focus on the financial dimension
The study was designed to collect empirical information as a basis for reviewing the forms of inter-agency transfers in Armenia, as well as the principles and efficiency arrangements of such transfers, evaluate the state and local budget execution mechanisms and to make recommendations, ensure the consistency of the national financial strategy with the budgeting process, taking into account the Program/Performance Budgeting Concept and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework. The study provided a detailed overview of Armenian legislation on inter-budgetary matters; the Armenian system of inter-budgetary transfers; the Armenian system of financial controls; the structure of local budget expenditures in Armenia; and budgetary loans. As a result of the study, an expert opinion/report was submitted to the Client, which contained, among other things, recommendations on efficient national solutions to water supply and sewerage problems in the Republic of Armenia.
Funding organizatio: OECD/ Institute of Urban Economics |