Նոյեմբեր-Դեկտեմբեր 2023թ Հայաստանի բնակարանային կարիքների արագ գնահատում
Following the recent escalation of the decades-long conflict in the region, the Government of the Republic of Armenia reported that between 24 September and 4 October 2023, over 100,000 arrived in the country from Artsakh. An average of 15,000 people arrived per day, with a peak of 40,000 refugees entering the country on 27 September 2023. Overall, the number of refugees constitute almost 3 per cent of the entire Armenian population, which adds to the 36,000 refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless people who were already present in the country.
In the framework of Armenia Rapid Housing Needs Assessment & Strategic Response Framework project the Urban Foundation experts assisted the World Bank to undertake a diagnostic study to assess and identify the initial housing needs and potential options for the consideration of the Government on how to address them.
More specifically, the assistance included the following activities:
- Support the Bank’s Urban Team to analyze the recently arrived refugees in a way allowing understanding of housing need and current housing situation (rental, collective center, etc.).
- Assess the current existing ongoing housing subsidy programs not aimed at the post-September refugees.
- Carry out a quick snapshot of the use of housing purchase certificates through time for refugees and for earthquake displaced.
- Conduct high-level market analysis: description of existing housing stock by urban/rural, by marz/region, including number and vacant units, the supply proposition based on cost, location, tenure.
- Provide existing housing purchase certificates application in Armenia, and brief description of the post-Spitak earthquake (1988) experience.
- Provide legal framework for housing purchase certificates.
Funding: The World Bank
Implementation: The Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development
Beneficiaries: Government of Armenia